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Critics’ Week Takes COIN LOCKER GIRL

Apr 21, 2015
  • Writer by Pierce Conran
  • View9181
KIM Hye-soo/KIM Go-eun Head to Cannes

Following last week’s official selection announcement for the Cannes Film Festival, the 54th International Critics’ Week (Semaine de la Critique), an event that runs alongside Cannes, revealed its lineup yesterday, focusing on debut or sophomore films. Among the event’s special screenings will be the Korean female-driven gangster film Coin Locker Girl.
In the gritty drama-thriller, Eungyo (2012) starlet KIM Go-eun appears as a young woman who has been raised by a tough loan shark, played by The Thieves’ (2012) KIM Hye-soo, after being left in a subway coin locker as an infant.
The film marks the debut of director HAN Jun-hee, who previously served as an assistant director on the dramedy Ba: Bo (2008), and wrote the psychic investigative thriller The Gifted Hands (2013).
Coin Locker Girl comes from CJ Entertainment’s CGV Arthouse label, which is now three for three with Cannes selections, following last year’s Un Certain Regard invitation for July JUNG’s A Girl at My Door, and the previously announced The Shameless, from OH Seung-wook, also in Un Certain Regard this year.
Though some sections and slots have yet to be filled, four Korean films have already been invited to the Croisette this year, along with SHIN Su-won’s Madonna in Un Certain Regard and HONG Won-chan’s Office in Midnight Screenings. Critics’ Week will run from May 14th to 22nd.
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