• Film


Wound (1989)
< Sang-cheo >
  • Wound
As an orphan, Ha-young is shocked by the luxury of the house where she goes to be a live-in tutor to Ki-suk. Ki-hun, Ki-suk's older brother, returns home after finishing out his military service. He is upset by his disorderly father and at the unfavorable change in Ki-suk. Ha-young is drawn to Ki-hun. But due to her violent personality, Ki-suk is sent off to her mother's family and therefore, Ha-young leaves the home as well. After returning to school, Ki-hun reappears in fro...more
Genre Romance Production Status Released
Running Time 116min Release Date Feb 18, 1989
Country South Korea Rating
Language Co-Production N
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  • Dong-a Export Co., LTD | donga@dongaexport.com
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